Our Individual and Family Support service will help you, your family and carers throughout your time with us.

We also hold support groups and offer spiritual care.

Emotional Support

Individual and Family Support

A life-limiting or life-threatening illness is emotionally and mentally challenging.

Our team of psychotherapists and counsellors will help you come to terms with your illness, helping you to understand your emotions. We do not stop caring for you during or after remission or bereavement, but work with you to support you, your family and carers as you process and come to terms with what you have experienced. We help you to rebuild your life.

We offer:

  • Individual therapy
  • Couples therapy

For more information about Individual and Family Support please email counselling@sbhospice.org.uk.

Emotional Support

Empowered for the Future : Life Planning Seminar

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For all of us making plans for the future and learning how to make things as easy as possible for our loved ones is a useful step in giving us all peace of mind.

Please come and join us to explore how to approach planning for your future. Do you have a burning question you would like to ask? You may wish to submit it to us in advance via email: info@sbhospice.org.uk

We are holding this event in April and October 2025 to provide the opportunity to hear more about how South Bucks Hospice can help you financially, legally, Physically, spiritually, and Psychologically, both now and in the future. Our friendly team is looking forward to meeting you, presenting our roles, and hearing your questions.

1-3PM Wednesday April 30th 2025


1-3PM Wednesday October 1st 2025

The event is free to South Bucks Hospice patients and their families. £5 for non-patients. For tickets please click here.

Emotional Support

Spiritual Care

Spiritual beliefs and faith can be a source of strength.

Often when a person is diagnosed with a life-limiting or life-threatening illness, they may seek solace in a faith that they follow or have lost.

Living with a serious illness can cause you to question your beliefs. We provide support for our patients, their families and carers in search of meaning and hope. The most common question is ‘why?’. Our spiritual care team are here for people of all faiths, or none.

Our leaflet on Spiritual Care can be found here.

For more information about our spiritual care please email spiritualcare@sbhospice.org.uk.

Emotional Support

Bereavement Listening

Almost half of the emotional support we offer at South Bucks Hospice is to those who have been recently bereaved.

Our bereavement listeners can provide support every week for up to three months to help anyone who has lost a loved one to a prolonged, advanced life-limiting illness, with a GP in the South Bucks area.

Our leaflet on Bereavement Listening Support can be found here.

For more information about our Bereavement Listening Service email listening@sbhospice.org.uk.

Emotional Support

Support Groups

Support groups are a helpful way to connect with people facing the same diagnosis or similar challenges to yourself

Our Bereavement Support Group runs for six weeks at a time, several times a year.

Please contact our nurses for details of the next course dates by emailing nurses@sbhospice.org.uk.

Here are some of the groups and events that are currently open for sign up:

  • Positivity Art Group (Every Thursday, open to patients)
  • Mindfulness (Six week course, open to patients, carers and newly bereaved partners)
  • My Story, My Song (Patient Encouragement Group. open to patients, every third Monday of the month)
  • Navigating Life After The Storm (Six week bereavement course, open to newly bereaved partners)
  • Rural Retreat Therapy (On request, open to patients and families)

Please contact our nurses for more details by emailing nurses@sbhospice.org.uk.

patient group: 11:30am-12:30pm and 1-2pm Every Thursday

Positivity Art Group

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Is a mindful space to explore and express your artistic side through watercolours. The group is not a structured art class and is not art therapy. It meets you where you feel you are, artistically, and asks nothing more than you bring yourself and a curiosity to see colour and form emerge on your paper at your own pace. The group will empower you to find what you would like to explore and invites you to express your own subject matter and style, as well as providing gentle and supportive conversation and community.

Here are a few comments from our participants:

“Before lockdown I had been attending Butterfly House as a day care patient once a week. Now I really look forward to the online art class on a Thursday afternoon. Seeing and chatting with people helps my mental health as I'm in the clinically extremely vulnerable group and have been shielding for a long time.

“Painting together and chatting in a relaxed manner helps to take my mind off my continuous cycles of cancer treatment and side effects. Nature themes are my favourite to paint. I find nature is very soothing. It's fun to show each other our finished art pieces at the end of the sessions." - Paulette Rackstraw

“I was a little apprehensive about joining the group as I had always considered myself to be less than skilled in producing artwork. In fact, if it wasn’t for this online workshop, I would have probably never picked up a paintbrush to paint a picture ever again. I had not attempted to paint a picture since leaving school in 1965.

“However, I have been pleasantly surprised with myself and on the very first week I completed a picture of a robin, by copying the image sent by Juliette. Since then, I have produced a new picture every week and have felt a tremendous feeling of accomplishment, considering this has been something I have achieved, whilst living alone during lockdown. I would like to express my grateful thanks for having the opportunity to be involved in such a positive experience.” - Heather Green

Butterfly illustration above by Heather Green.

patients, carers and newly bereaved partners: Six week course four times a year


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Come and learn how to live in the moment and learn techniques to help with anxiety and emotional regulation. Also a great opportunity to meet and chat with like-minded people in a small, informal group session (maximum number six per group).

Week One: What is Mindfulness? How can it help me?

Identify where you are on your journey to peace and wellbeing. Why be mindful? Exploration of mindfulness principles and introductory activities. Where am I on my unique ‘bridge’ of life?

Week Two: My Body and Me : Body Awareness and Self Compassion

Introduction to body scan activities and learning compassion and self-love for body. Particular attention to the role of sleep in healing, awareness of ‘stacked trauma’ and how to release it’s impact on the body.

Week Three: My Mind and Me : Imagination as Healer

The power of the imagination to heal, the role of nature in visualisation. ‘Journey to the garden of my heart’ guided visualisation. Finding a ‘safe place’ in my mind.

Week Four: Regulating my emotions: Keeping anxiety at bay

Explore how to put together an emotionally regulating tool kit using your five senses. How to have mindful activities at the ready in times when you need emotional regulation. How to be mindfully attentive and intentional about who we allow into ‘our circle of love’.

Week Five: Gratitude, Journalling & Creativity : ‘Learning to live in the moment’

Exploration of the power of gratitude, the benefits of journaling and finding hidden inner creativity. Mindful painting exercise today to learn to trust the process of what may emerge.

Week Six: Where Am I Now : Preparing for the way ahead

Reviewing the tools learned over the weeks, a time to share in our group what we feel we want to take forward and what we want to leave behind. Where am I now on my ‘bridge’?

Here are a few comments from our participants:

“The clarity of each segment of the course was outstanding.”

“Meeting others at different stages of their journey & listening to & supporting one another. Whilst at this session, it felt less lonely. I also learned to accept my sadness and grief as necessary without guilt. The coping tools were super.”

Encouragement Group: open to patients, 1-2pm every third Monday of the month

My Story, My Song

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A monthly spiritual/ faith sharing group for people of all faiths or none, for participants to share a song/ piece of music, the message of an inspirational book, or a poem, that encourages them in their journey and that they feel they would like to share with others. A group for all patients, enabling the development of expression and reflection.

Here is some feedback from one of our participants:

“Well run. Friendly. Opportunities to speak openly”

open to newly bereaved partners: Six week course, three times a year

Navigating Life After The Storm

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A great opportunity to meet and chat with like-minded people in a small, informal group session (maximum number six per group). A course free to all partners who have lost their life-companion

Here are a few comments from our participants:

“I would recommend this to anyone who has lost someone.”

“Very encouraging, thought provoking, fun at times and life changing.”

“It felt like a safe haven and I could be myself and honest about feelings."

“It was good we were small in number. It enabled sharing, having too many would be more difficult.”

“Being in a group helped to get an understanding of where others are at in their stage of grief.”

“The sessions really help.”

Open to patients and families on request

Rural Retreat Therapy


​Kyle Jones of Cross Lane Farm, Radnage, is offering retreat therapy to any patients and their families who would like to benefit.

Day visits can be arranged and for those patients who would like to stay over, there are shepherd’s huts to accommodate couples, families or small groups.

The farm is 25 minutes from Butterfly House. Day visits are free.

Overnight stays incur a charge for overnight use of the Elderflower Holiday Centre facilities.

If interested please contact counselling@sbhospice.org.uk