Are you a wannabe quiz master, a runner who’s striding to the challenge or a congregation with a passion for cakes?

Our community supporters are real superstars, spreading our word and raising vital funds to help us reach more patients who so desperately need our help.
Can I organise my own fundraising event?
Of course! The key is to pick something that you love doing and turn it into a fundraiser. We have lots of resources to get you started and our team are at the end of the phone if you need any help or advice too.
To find out how to make the most of your fundraising and how your support makes a difference please download your Fundraising Pack here.
What if my school or community group want to get involved?
The more the merrier! If you are a member or a WI, Rotary Club, Brownie Group, School, Golf Club or any community group or association then why not get everyone together for a South Bucks Fundraiser.
You can nominate us as your charity for the year or just choose to donate the proceeds from a bake sale, fete or collection to us – either way we would love to hear from you.
We are always happy to pop details of your event on our website or Facebook page to help drum up support and can provide you with press templates, event planners, posters, balloons and lots more to help make your event a huge success.
Want to know more? Then call us now on 01494 552 761 or email