On 3rd September, we said 'thank you and farewell' to our patients, supporters and their families at our last ever Garden Party to be held at our current Hospice site.
A family of guests look out for some fish in the Hospice pond.
Ahead of our big move to our Community Hospice in Spring 2017, we held a Garden Party for all of our supporters and patients to say thank you for they continued generosity.
Luckily, the rain only started when it was time to pack up so our guests were able to enjoy delicious food and drinks with family and friends.
Platters of delicious food.
After lunch, the raffle prize winners were revealed. Local businesses donated wonderful prizes, including an Afternoon Tea voucher at Stoke Park, a bottle of champagne and a lunch voucher for two.
One of our volunteers with the raffle prizes.
Another big thank you to everyone who donated raffle prizes, cakes, crostini and sandwiches...they did us proud!